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How to get number of people user is following

I already have the following code which successfully retrieves the number of people following a user:

Dim followersResponse As TwitterResponse(Of UserIdCollection) = TwitterFriendship.FollowersIds(tokens)
If followersResponse.Result <> RequestResult.Success Then
labelNumFollowers.Text = followersResponse.ResponseObject.Count
End If

But what I can't figure out is how to retrieve the total number of people being followed by the user.

(I'd also like to know if there's a way of identifying the total number of tweets a user has published.)


  • The name for amount of followers is a bit weird, it's: NumberOfFriends. To get the amount of tweets a user has sent, use NumberOfStatuses

    Dim showUserResponse As TwitterResponse(Of TwitterUser) = TwitterUser.Show(tokens, labelUsername.Text)
    labelNumFollowing.Text = showUserResponse.ResponseObject.NumberOfFriends
    labelNumTweets.Text = showUserResponse.ResponseObject.NumberOfStatuses

    I hope the VB syntax is correct, since I'm a C# programmer