I have this bit of xml code below and I'm trying to get the value of all of the "result value" attributes within the results tag. The thing is...this is going to be a live feed, so there may be 1,2 or 3 result items within that tag.
Do I need to do some sort of count to see how many items are within the results tag?
<Match ct="0" id="771597" LastPeriod="2 HF" LeagueCode="19984" LeagueSort="1" LeagueType="LEAGUE" startTime="15:00" status="2 HF" statustype="live" type="2" visible="1">
<Home id="11676" name="Manchester City" standing="1"/>
<Away id="10826" name="Newcastle United" standing="3"/>
<Result id="1" name="CURRENT" value="1-1"/>
<Result id="2" name="FT" value="1-1"/>
<Result id="3" name="HT" value="1-0"/>
<league id="19984">Premier League</league>
Thanks in advance
Just loop through the results with SimpleXML to grab each value
and name
attribute, this will work with a variable number of results.
$obj = simplexml_load_string($xml);
foreach($obj->Results->Result as $result)
echo $result->attributes()->name . ': ' . $result->attributes()->value . "\n";
FT: 1-1
HT: 1-0
If you have a root node such as Matches
with multiple Match
under it then you would use a nested foreach
like so:
foreach($obj->Match as $match)
foreach($match->Results->Result as $result)
echo $result->attributes()->name . ': ' . $result->attributes()->value . "\n";
To do the same using DOMDocument instead of SimpleXML:
$dom = new DOMDocument();
foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('Match') as $match)
foreach($match->getElementsByTagName('Result') as $result)
echo $result->getAttribute('name') . ': ' . $result->getAttribute('value') . "\n";
Outputs the same as the SimpleXML method.