I want to install OF for Android on My Windows 7 machine and Eclipse IDE V 4.2.
I followed the instructions in http://www.multigesture.net/articles/how-to-setup-openframeworks-for-android-on-windows/
but I recieve the following errors upon build:
recipe for target `AndroidRelease' failed Makefile.android /libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project/makefileCommon line 93
recipe for target `AndroidDebug' failed Makefile.android /libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project/makefileCommon line 90
When I run an app from the examples (Polygon app) I receive the following exception from the LogCat:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load OFAndroidApp: findLibrary returned null
How can I solve this ? Thanks
Solved by following the steps on a fresh Eclipse IDE and cloning the Development branch of OpenFrameworks.