I am making an SQLite database in Android in which i have to store 40k words in it. I am getting the words from q txt file.
I am storing the words first in a list and then from list to database. But when I store words in table and retrieve from that i get only 20k words. The rowcount of the table is also 20k but i have saved 40k words.
public void createTable(SQLiteDatabase db, ArrayList<String> words)
int i=0;
System.out.println("created table going further");
for( i=0; i < words.size();i++)
String[] pair=words.get(i).split(",");
insertWord(pair[0].trim(), Integer.parseInt(pair[1].trim()), db);
System.out.println("in database "+i+" words are there in db");
I don't know whats going on here.
You are incrementing i
twice, one in the for and one in the print statement, change this to
for( i=0; i < words.size();i++)
String[] pair=words.get(i).split(",");
insertWord(pair[0].trim(), Integer.parseInt(pair[1].trim()), db);