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Autosar -- for software developer

Can you suggest on this points related to Autosar, taking into consideration I am a software developer who can write some software in C?

Now I Develop a functionality in C, that has to read some ECU specific data, process it & update some ECU specific data (which can be some variable or i/o signal).

  1. Now how I will be using Autosar RTE & virtual functional bus? What will be there use to a software developer?

  2. Also, as Autosar says "standardization of interfaces" what does it mean? Does it mean that if some else anywhere around the world is also developing same functionality (in C language, like me) we both will be using same name of the API's for those I/O signals?

  3. How RTE will be helpful for me in Unit testing? Or what really RTE is doing from software developer point of view?

I read a lot technical terms... but being a software developer these points are important for me to know. Can you explain it a bit to me.

Your reply will be appreciated.


  • I don't think it is going to be that easy... I believe that you are developing Autosar SWC (software component). I would recommend for you to develop a portable C module. That has very clear inputs, outputs and req. on execution (check Autosar runnables). Remember Autosar ECU includes RTOS, therefore your module will be part of a OS task. When and if you come to the point of building an Autosar ECU, you will be able to wrap the module and connect ins/outs with Autosar virtual functional bus signals. For that you will need Autosar framework and probably configuration tools. These are complex and expensive. Unit test the module the usual way you test C module. Good luck.

    P.S. RTE is just the "glue" code generated automatically by configuration tools according the configuration of ECU BSW and System Extract for that ECU. You will worry about it during wrapping.