i have used NavigationPane in Sign.qml page,After user Logins it will go to Homescreen.qml in Homescreen.qml i have used TabbedPane, while clicking the Login button (Signin.qml)i am getting response,but can't able to go to Homescreen.qml
hereby i have attached my code Signin.qml
NavigationPane {
id: navigationPane
Page {
attachedObjects: ComponentDefinition {
id: pageDefinition
source: "HomeScreen.qml"
Container {
Button {
text: "Login"
onClicked: {
//check if is credentials are valid or not
var page = pageDefinition.createObject();
//show error message
and my Homescreen.qml code
import bb.cascades 1.0
TabbedPane {
id: mainTab
showTabsOnActionBar: true
Tab {
title: "Home"
imageSource: "asset:///menuicons/home.png"
Signin {
id: signin
Tab {
title: "Home"
imageSource: "asset:///menuicons/home.png"
Editnew {
id: homepage
Tab {
title: "Messages"
Messages {
Tab {
title: "Search"
Tab {
title: "Feeds"
Feeds {
Tab {
title: "Nearby"
Tab {
title: "Followers"
Followers {
id: foll
Tab {
title: "Group"
Groups {
id: groups
i cant able to view Homescreen.qml while clicking login button from sign-in,can anyone give me some idea how to do this..?
You can not push a TabbedPane inside a NavigationPane. It's best practice to use TabbedPane at top of application flow and if you want to go deeper, you can use NavigationPane inside a TabbedPane.
Still there's a workaround for you. You can put your TabbedPane inside a sheet and open that sheet rather than pushing in on NavigationPane.
attachedObjects: Sheet {
id: tabbedPaneSheet