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Setting android:windowBackground to @null makes scrolling to smear?

i'm using the sherlock actionbar library in order to support many devices . i have a viewPager which has 3 fragments :

  • one with a listView , each item has a textView and an imageView
  • the second has a gridView , each item has a textView and an imageView
  • the third just has a textView for now.

as i've heard in google IO videos (and since Lint tells me) , it's recommended to have the next style being used for all of the activities:

<resources xmlns:android="">

  <style name="AppTheme" parent="@style/Theme.Sherlock">
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@null</item>


this has worked for me on many devices .

however , on the emulator , using version 2.3.3 , and on galaxy nexus , when i scroll (either the viewPager or any of the adapterViews) , everything just smears , so i get a lot of white pixels as if nothing was refreshed.

i've even tried to set android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" for all of my adapterViews , but it still occurs.

what is going on? how can i fix this thing ? i like adding the above since it removes the ugly gradient background of galaxy S3 that appears for every app.


  • You should only set the background to nul if you cover it with something else. Either: - Set the background to null in the theme and add a new background in your layout or - Set the background in your theme to the color/image you want.