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Checking C# Syntax from the Command Line

Does anyone know of a way in the Microsoft .NET framework to check the syntax, and only the syntax, of a given C# file?

For a little background, what I am interested in doing is setting up syntastic to check the syntax of .cs files. Out of the box, syntastic uses the Mono C# compiler with its --parse flag to perform this operation but I can find no equivalent in the Microsoft .NET framework.

My first attempt to get this to work was to use csc /target:library /nologo in place of mcs --parse, but the problem is that this is called on a per-file basis. As a result, it reports missing namespaces (which exist in the full project build) instead of only syntactic errors.


  • I've used NRefactory before from the icsharpcode IDE. It's quick and easy for basic stuff.

    see this article: Using NRefactory for analyzing C# code

    I use it for creating VB.NET examples from C# examples. The method that does this is really straight-forward and can easily be adapted to your needs:

        private static void ConvertLanguage(TextReader input, TextWriter output, SupportedLanguage language, Action<string> onError)
            using (IParser parser = ParserFactory.CreateParser(language, input))
                var specials = parser.Lexer.SpecialTracker.RetrieveSpecials();
                var result = parser.CompilationUnit;
                //if (parser.Errors.Count > 0)
                //    MessageBox.Show(parser.Errors.ErrorOutput, "Parse errors");
                IOutputAstVisitor outputVisitor;
                if (language == SupportedLanguage.CSharp)
                    outputVisitor = new VBNetOutputVisitor();
                    outputVisitor = new CSharpOutputVisitor();
                outputVisitor.Options.IndentationChar = ' ';
                outputVisitor.Options.IndentSize = 4;
                outputVisitor.Options.TabSize = 4;
                using (SpecialNodesInserter.Install(specials, outputVisitor))
                    result.AcceptVisitor(outputVisitor, null);
                if (outputVisitor.Errors.Count > 0 && onError != null)

    Note: The preceding code is from an older version and may not compile against the latest version of the NRefactory library.