Snipmate triples my input. I do the following:
template[press tap here]
I get an expansion:
template <class T = >
class {
() {}
~() {}
which simply follows the definition in ~/.vim/vim-addons/snipmate-snippets/snippets/cpp.snippets
# template
snippet template
template <class ${1:T} = ${2}>
class ${3:`Filename('$3', 'name')`} {
$3() {}
~$3() {}
I have no problem with inputting {$1}
and {$2}
tab stops but when I enter "lala " for {$3}
, i get
template <class T = int>
class lala lala alal {
lala alal() {}
~lala alal() {}
snipmate syntax is pretty simple. i'm confused on what i'm doing wrong.
I installed snipmate through VAM
call vam#ActivateAddons(['snipmate-snippets'], {'auto_install' : 0})
What I write, might be a bit biased, but I don't see any reason for using snipMate, when there is UltiSnips by SirVer. Don't get me wrong snipMate is great, or better say - was great, but now it's just so far behind the UltiSnips plugin.
Be sure to see screencasts posted in the README
of this project - to see the proof of what I said above.
Good luck.