I tagged both Lazarus and Delphi as both seem to be similar (100%) for everything I've done so far. But my dev platform is Lazarus.
I'm dynamically creating a tab sheet like this:
procedure TForm1.cmdTabButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
NewTab: TTabSheet;
NewTab := TTabSheet.Create(PageControl1);
NewTab.PageControl:= PageControl1;
// NewTab.TabVisible:=true;
// newtab.SetFocus;
The last two lines in the procedure are commented. Without them the code works but the new tab is not the one on top. I have to click it for it to come on top.
But if I uncomment those two lines, the program crashes stating that an invisible object cannot have focus.
any advice on how this can be fixed?
Many thanks!
You need to set the ActivePage
property of the page control. Like this:
PageControl.ActivePage := NewTab;