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Are kernel32.dll and shell32.dll supported in ARM?

I've a Metro App (C#) which is running fine on ARM (Surface), but a component is not working on ARM, when I checked my app compatibility on Windows App Cert Kits its showing this:

AreFileApisANSI , CopyFileW , CreateFileMappingW , CreateFileW , CreateMutexW , CreateThread , ExitProcess , ExitThread , FatalAppExitA , FindFirstFileW , FreeEnvironmentStringsW , GetACP , GetCommandLineA , GetConsoleCP , GetConsoleMode , GetCurrentDirectoryW , GetDriveTypeW , GetEnvironmentStringsW , GetFileAttributesW , GetFileSize , GetFileType , GetFullPathNameA , GetFullPathNameW , GetModuleFileNameA , GetModuleFileNameW , GetModuleHandleExW , GetModuleHandleW , GetOEMCP , GetStartupInfoW , GetStdHandle , GetSystemInfo , GetTempFileNameW , GetTempPathW , GetTickCount , HeapQueryInformation , HeapValidate , InitializeCriticalSection , InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount , LoadLibraryExW , LoadLibraryW , LocalFree , MapViewOfFile , MoveFileW , OpenFileMappingW , OutputDebugStringA , ReadConsoleW , RtlUnwind , SetConsoleCtrlHandler , SetCurrentDirectoryW , SetFilePointer , SetStdHandle , SetUnhandledExceptionFilter , Sleep , TerminateProcess , UnhandledExceptionFilter , WaitForSingleObject , WriteConsoleW , lstrlenA 

These all the kernel32.dll functions are not supported for this application type MyLib.dll, and

SHGetSpecialFolderPathW in shell32.dll is not supported for this application type

while running on ARM.

Is there any alternative/equivalent lib for ARM? If it is please let me know.

Thanks in Advance



  • You cannot call those functions on ARM. They are simply not available. In fact many of the functions aren't available even on the Intel Windows RT. For example, consider CreateFileMapping. The documentation states clearly that this function is available on desktop apps only.

    You'll have to find a way to live without these functions.