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(Apache) Regex to match a specific cookie name+value (to strip/remove it)?

I am trying to use a "RequestHeader edit" directive to take the "Cookie" header, and remove a specific cookie from that header.

In other words, suppose the incoming "Cookie" header was:

Cookie: header1=123; myheader=abc; header2=789

I want to use "RequestHeader edit" to modify that "Cookie" header to:

Cookie: header1=123; header2=789

Or, as another example, if the incoming "Cookie" header was:

Cookie: header1=123; header2=789; myheader=abc

change that to:

Cookie: header1=123; header2=789

I'm horrible with regexes, but the closest I have been able to get to is this:

RequestHeader edit Cookie "myheader=.*(;)|myheader=.*($)" ""

But, even that has a problem, that if the "myheader" cookie is the last one in the "Cookie" string/value, I'm ending up with a semi-colon (";") at the end.

Can anyone provide a regex that would do this completely correctly?

Thanks, Jim

P.S. I'm also wondering: Is the Cookie with the trailing semi-colon valid?


  • Try:

    RequestHeader edit Cookie "(^myheader=[^;]*; |; myheader=[^;]*)" ""