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Using a function object when the API asks for a function pointer

I want to call a C API from C++. The API expects a function pointer, though for me the functionality is implemented in a C++ function object because it has state.

In fact the desired functionaliity is split across into two function objects. The C api expects a function that has two pointer parameters for returning the two things that each of the function objects return.

Apart from defining a global function is there any way of using the function object from C. For example can it be reinterpret_casted to a function pointer ?


For simplicity its ok to assume that the signature of the call back is void (*f)(void*, int*, int*)

Oh and it has to be C++-03


  • Most APIs allow you to pass some kind of user state along through a void pointer. You can pass a pointer to your object through there:

    struct my_obj
        void operator()(int*, int*) {}
        static void forwarder(void *state, int *x, int *y) { (*(my_obj*)state)(x, y); }
    void install_fn(void (*)(void*,int*,int*), void *state);
    my_obj obj;
    install_fn(my_obj::forwarder, &obj);

    For APIs which don't allow you to pass any state (GLUT is one of the only ones I've found that come to mind), you're out of (portable) luck.