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Many to many table with an extra column in Rails

Is it possible to do this with only two Rails models, User and Event:

|id        |name         |age         |
|1         |danilo       |26          |
|2         |joe          |23          |
|3         |carlos       |50          |
|4         |katy         |45          |

|event_id     |user_id        |confirmed       |
|1            |1              |1               |
|3            |3              |0               |
|4            |3              |1               |
|2            |3              |1               |

|id           |name                     |date            |
|1            |the end of the year      |31/12/2012      |
|2            |the end of the world     |21/12/2012      |
|3            |Party                    |18/12/2012      |
|4            |Dinner                   |19/12/2012      |

The problem is, the user can confirm or not their presence in an event, for this I used the table Events_Users, column confirmed (1 for confirmed). How can I do this with Rails ActiveRecord without an model "Event_User"? How can I manipulate the confirmed column in the User model?

I am using Rails 3.2.9 .


  • User and Event have many-to-many relationship, you can not set up this association with just 2 model, you must have the join model, or join table.

    In your case, you added attribute confirmed, so you will need a join model, named Confirmation (as other people recommended). Your define associations will be like this:

    class User
      has_many :events, through: :confirmations
      has_many :confirmations
    class Event
      has_many :users, through: :confirmations
      has_many :confirmations
    class Confirmation
      belongs_to :user
      belongs_to :event