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Irvine Assembly merge arrays

I need to merge two arrays that are already sorted into another larger array, also in order. I can't use a sort. It assembles fine but won't display anything.

This is what I have so far. I'm new to this so go easy if its not the best.

Title MergeArrays
    a1 dw 1,3,4,7,9,15,17
    a2 dw 2,6,8,10,11,14,18,19
    a3 dw 15 dup(0)

main proc
    sub EAX,EAX
    mov ESI,OFFSET a1
    mov EDI,OFFSET a2
    mov EDX,OFFSET a3
    mov ECX,lengthof a3 ;Set loop times

    call Merge
    call Display
    main endp
    jmp Endit

Merge proc
    mov ax,[ESI]
    cmp ax,[EDI]
    jl AddA1        ;Jump if less
    jg AddA2        ;Jump if greater
    Loop TheLoop

    mov ax,[ESI]
    mov [EDX],ax
    inc ESI
    inc EDX
    jmp TheJump

    mov ax,[EDI]
    mov [EDX],ax
    inc EDI
    inc EDX
    jmp TheJump
Merge endp
Display proc
    mov ECX,lengthof a3 ;Set loop times
    mov EDX,OFFSET a3

        mov ax,[EDX]
        call writedec
        call crlf
        inc EDX
        loop DisplayLoop
Display endp

end main


  • What happens when TheLoop is down to zero? ecx becomes negative, exits the loop and then KEEPS going to the next instruction which happens to be AddA1 then back to TheJump then to either AddA1 or AddA2, it is an infinite loop. You need to add something after Loop TheLoop and before AddA1 to exit the proc.

    You don't really need a debugger, just something that will print passed values for debugging.