I have a small request object to filter by.
public class BufferFlatViewFilter
public bool? Active { get; set; }
public int? CustomerId { get; set; }
public int? TypeId { get; set; }
And I need to build up the where filter for the db request.
With Entity framework I was able to build up the Where Statement like so.
public List<BufferFlatView> GetBufferFlatView(BufferFlatViewFilter filter)
var data = db.qryCampaignOverView
if (filter.TypeId.HasValue)
data = data.Where(x => x.TypeId == filter.TypeId.Value);
if (filter.CustomerId.HasValue)
data = data.Where(x => x.CustomerId == filter.CustomerId);
if (filter.Active)
data = data.Where(x => x.Active == filter.Active);
return data.ToList();
I'm not sure of how to build up the where statement for OrmLight given that Entity framework query is lazy loaded but not the OrmLight query.
We recently added expression chaining in the OrmLite ExpressionVisitor - code copy & pasted from the unit tests:
var visitor = dbConnection.CreateExpression<Person>();
visitor.Where(x => x.FirstName.StartsWith("Jim")).And(x => x.LastName.StartsWith("Hen"));
var results = db.Select<Person>(visitor);
visitor.Where(x => x.Age < 30).Or(x => x.Age > 45);
results = db.Select<Person>(visitor);
Assert.AreEqual(5, results.Count);
Assert.IsFalse(results.Any(x => x.FirstName == "Elvis"));
Note: Where(x => predicate) and .And(x => predicate) are functionally the same.
You can also build up your Order By expression
visitor.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ThenByDescending(x => x.Age);
So your code becomes
public List<BufferFlatView> GetBufferFlatView(BufferFlatViewFilter filter)
//assumes IDbConnection instance injected by IOC
var ev = dbConnection.CreateExpression<Campaign>();
if (filter.TypeId.HasValue)
ev.Where(x => x.TypeId == filter.TypeId.Value);
if (filter.CustomerId.HasValue)
ev.Where(x => x.CustomerId == filter.CustomerId);
if (filter.Active)
ev.Where(x => x.Active == filter.Active);
return dbConnection.Select<Campaign>(ev);