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Celery: How to ignore task result in chord or chain?

I'm using celery, I have several tasks which needed to be executed in order.

For example I have this task:

def tprint(word):
    print word

And I want to do something like this:

>>> chain(tprint.s('a') | tprint.s('b'))()

Then I get TypeError: tprint() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given).

The same with chord, in this situation which I need a task to be executed after a group of tasks:

>>> chord([tprint.s('a'), tprint.s('b')])(tprint.s('c'))

So how to deal with this situation? I don't care the result of each task, but they need to be executed in order.

Add a second parameter won't work:

def tprint(word, ignore=None):
    print word

>>> chain(tprint.s('a', 0) | tprint.s('b'))()

This will print out 'a' and 'None'.


  • There is a built-in functionality to ignore result in chaining and others - immutable subtask. You can use .si() shortcut instead of .s() or .subtask(immutable=True)

    More details here: