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CSRF issue on TemplateView

I have a extremely simple django TemplateView as follow:

class Homeview(TemplateView):
    template_name = 'home.html'

And i have csrfmiddleware enabled, but why the CSRF cookie is not set on that home view? I have form rely on the csrf cookie on that page. I do not want to use {% csrf_token %} tag to do this.

I tried debug this, and found the cookie was never set because it failed the condition of CSRF_COOKIE_USED, this variable does not exist in my request.META.

def process_response(self, request, response):
        if getattr(response, 'csrf_processing_done', False):
            return response

        # If CSRF_COOKIE is unset, then CsrfViewMiddleware.process_view was
        # never called, probaby because a request middleware returned a response
        # (for example, contrib.auth redirecting to a login page).
        if request.META.get("CSRF_COOKIE") is None:
            return response

        if not request.META.get("CSRF_COOKIE_USED", False):
            return response      # **It returned here, so COOKIE is never set!**

        # Set the CSRF cookie even if it's already set, so we renew
        # the expiry timer.
                            max_age = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52,
        # Content varies with the CSRF cookie, so set the Vary header.
        patch_vary_headers(response, ('Cookie',))
        response.csrf_processing_done = True
        return response

Append my context processor settings:


Also finding something very strange:

the csrf_cookie exists if {% csrf_token %} presents in my template.


  • If you are on 1.4, use ensure_csrf_cookie, otherwise use this javascript snippet.