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Ant Script to Automate the build process

I Want to automate the ANT build process for deploying the applicaiton.

I want to write a ANT script which will recurringly should look for the build.xml files in the folder and run them, if the sub build is failed it should skip and continue to other script by writing log. Could any please post the idea which can help or a sample.

    |            |
    |            |--SubFolder1
    |            |            build.xml
    |            |--SubFolder2
    |            |            build.xml
    |           build.xml


  • I have solved my problem, thank you all for the reply, I used below technique to handle the situation.

    <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
    <project name="MasterBuildPrj" default="MasterBuild">
        <macrodef name="iterate">
            <attribute name="target"/>
                <subant target="@{target}">
                    <fileset dir="." 
        <target name="MasterBuild"  description="Build all sub projects">
            <iterate target="build"/>
        <target name="clean"  description="Clean all sub projects">
            <iterate target="clean"/>