Search code examples

how do i write a program to click a particular link in Python

My program takes an user input and searches it through a particular webpage . Further i want it to go and click on a particular link and then download the file present there .

Example :

  1. The webpage :
  2. The search Word :"1AW0"
  3. after you search the word on the website it takes you to :

I want the program to go on the right hand side of the webpage and download the pdb file from the DOWNLOAD FILES option

I have managed to write a program using the mechanize module to automatically search the word however unable to find a way i can click on a link

my code :

import urllib2
import re
import mechanize

br = mechanize.Browser()"")
## name of the form that holds the search text area 

## "q" name of the teaxtarea in the html script
br["q"] = str("1AW0")
response = br.submit()

any help or any suggestions would help .

Btw i am intermediate programmer in Python and I am trying to learn the Jython module to try make this work .

Thanks in advance


  • Here's how I would have done it:

    Created on Dec 9, 2012
    @author: Daniel Ng
    import urllib
    def fetch_structure(structureid, filetype='pdb'):
      download_url = ''
      filetypes = ['pdb','cif','xml']
      if (filetype not in filetypes):
        print "Invalid filetype...", filetype
          urllib.urlretrieve(download_url % (filetype,structureid), '%s.%s' % (structureid,filetype))
        except Exception, e:
          print "Download failed...", e
          print "Saved to", '%s.%s' % (structureid,filetype)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
      fetch_structure('1AW0', filetype='xml')
      fetch_structure('1AW0', filetype='png')

    Which provides this output:

    Saved to 1AW0.pdb
    Saved to 1AW0.xml
    Invalid filetype... png

    Along with the 2 files 1AW0.pdb and 1AW0.xml which are saved to the script directory (for this example).