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Change name of an excel worksheet after reading the file

I am using the xlrd module to read an Excel file. How can I rename the first worksheet of each excel file?


  • I don't think you can modify files with either xlrd or xlwt. You can however copy the file with xlrd and then modify and write the copy with xlwt.

    Here's an example adapted from here: writing to existing workbook using xlwt:

    from xlutils.copy import copy
    from xlrd import open_workbook
    # open the file you're interested
    rb = open_workbook('some_document.xlsx')
    # copy it to a writable variant
    wb = copy(rb)
    # find the index of a sheet you wanna rename,
    # let's say you wanna rename Sheet1
    idx = rb.sheet_names().index('Sheet1')
    # now rename the sheet in the writable copy
    wb.get_sheet(idx).name = u'Renamed Sheet1'
    # save the new spreadsheet'new_some_document.xlsx')
    # done