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Functional Dependency Clarification

I am in the process of creating a database for a final project (elementary school) and was a bit confused if I was getting my functional dependencies correctly.

Here are a few tables:



Here are my derived functional dependents:

Schools Table: School_ID -> School_Name, School_Year

Subjects Table: Subjects, School ID -> School Year, Subject Name

Course_Join_Periods Table: Course_Period_ID , Course_ID , Grade_Level_ID, Teacher_ID, Grade_Level, School_Year, Grade_Name, Period_ID, School_ID, Subject_ID, Subject_Name -> Period_Class_Name

Do I have anything correct here or should I go back to the drawing board and re-teach myself F.D's?


  • Determining the FDs is part of analysis, not design. The FDs you have stated could be correct at your elementary school but incorrect or incomplete at mine.