I understand the SelectField
method in WTForms takes can argument choices
which has the form...
choices=[("value1", "display of value 1"), ("value2", "display of value 2")]
I need to populate my choices based on a call to the database. I'm using neo4j as my backend, so I can't use modelforms or the other built-in solutions for populating data in a form.
def get_list_of_things():
query = 'start n = node:things("*:*") return ID(n), n.display_name;'
t = cypher.execute(cdb, query)[0]
for x in t:
x[0] = str(x[0])
x[1] = str(x[1])
things = list(tuple(x) for x in t)
return things
class SelectAThing(Form):
thingID = SelectField('Thing name', choices=get_list_of_things())
Running choices = get_list_of_things() does produce a valid list of choices, great, and this basically works.
However, it doesn't ever seem to update the list of things even when the database does and I return to that form later. If I add things to the db and return, I still see the first list of things.
No dummy, just don't put it in the class. Put it in the view code.
def routename()
form = SelectAThing()
I found this tricky because I didn't realize I could assign to form like it was a regular python object after initializing it in the view.