I'm trying to use php include to include articles on a web page... My file structure looks like this:
In App_Template.html I have the piece of code:
<?php include("../including/File.html"); ?>
Which works fine and displays the correct article when you access App_Template.html, However the code:
<?php include(".../including/File.html"); ?>
Within index.html in the new folder doesn't work and throws these errors:
Warning: include(.../including/File.html) [function.include]: failed to
open stream: No such file or directory in
/home/a1696768/public_html/articles/tags/new/index.html on line 79
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening
'.../including/File.html' for inclusion
in /home/a1696768/public_html/articles/tags/new/index.html on line 79
I've tried searching around to find a reason for this but cannot however find any reason as to why this isn't working here but is in App_Template.html, the only thing I can possibly imagine is it's something to do with the fact the second case is an index.html?
You can't use three dots ...
in paths, it's either ..
for one level up or .
for the current level. If you want to go 2 folders/levels up, use ../../yourfile