I'm trying to change the background color of the InAppSettingKit view controller.
I've tried subclassing and overriding the cellForRowAtIndexPath:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
UITableViewCell *cell = [super tableView:tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
cell.textLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
cell.detailTextLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
return cell;
I've tried creating a category for UIColor:
+ (UIColor *)groupTableViewBackgroundColor {
return [UIColor redColor];
Whatever I try, the simulator shows the correct (expected) behaviour, but my iPhone shows the default group table background.
Any thoughts on how I can fix this? Perhaps it's the way I'm creating an instance of my InAppSettingsViewController in my app delegate ...?
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
IASKAppSettingsViewController *iaskvc = [[IASKAppSettingsViewController alloc] init];
i = [UIImage imageNamed:@"20-gear-2.png"];
[[iaskvc tabBarItem] setImage:i];
[[iaskvc tabBarItem] setTitle:@"Settings"];
// Create the Toolbar
UITabBarController *tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init];
NSArray *viewControllers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:iaskvc, nil];
[tabBarController setViewControllers:viewControllers];
[[self window] setRootViewController:tabBarController];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
XCode: Version 4.5.2 (4G2008a) iOS deployment target: 5.1 iOS on iPhone: 6.0.1 (10A523)
Ok, so I found the answer after reading something else on SO, which made me think a little further.
Initialising my subclassed IASKAppSettingsViewController with:
MyAppSettingsViewController *iaskvc = [[MyAppSettingsViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MyAppSettingsViewController" bundle:nil];
and adding my own xib file (which previously I didn't have) allowed me to customise everything I needed, and it then worked fine on the iPhone.