I'm importing some images dynamically into a SWF from an external site using AS2. It works perfectly when I load my images from my computer, but when I try to load them from the external server the smoothing doesn't work.
My code:
var imageLoad:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
onLoadInit:function (target:MovieClip) {
target._quality = "BEST";
target._width = 160;
target._yscale = target._xscale;
if (target._height>105) {
target._height = 105;
target._xscale = target._yscale;
target.forceSmoothing = true;
I have tried out every solution I could find on the net, and no one worked with smoothing...
Any solution to this?
AS2... ah... the memories (more like nightmares).
Try out my 'good-old' BitmapLoader.as... I've used it for many many years and has never failed me yet... It's not beautifully written and there are some double scope setters in there... but I don't care. It's old, and it has done it's job perfectly (always!). It needs a Boolean in the constructor which sets the smoothing to true or false
import flash.display.BitmapData;
class BitmapLoader extends Object {
private var mLoader : MovieClipLoader;
private var scope : Object;
private var _mc : MovieClip;
private var _url : String;
private var _func : Object;
private var smooth : Boolean;
public function BitmapLoader(smooth : Boolean)
this.smooth = smooth;
mLoader = new MovieClipLoader( );
addListener( this );
public function addListener(inListener : Object) : Void
mLoader.addListener( inListener );
scope = inListener;
public function removeListener(inListener : Object) : Void
mLoader.removeListener( inListener );
private function onLoadInit(inTarget : MovieClip) : Void
var bitmap : BitmapData = new BitmapData( inTarget._width, inTarget._height, true, 0x000000 );
bitmap.draw( inTarget );
var parent : MovieClip = inTarget._parent;
var img : MovieClip = parent.createEmptyMovieClip( "imageloader_smooth_mc", parent.getNextHighestDepth( ) );
inTarget.unloadMovie( );
inTarget.removeMovieClip( );
delete inTarget;
img.attachBitmap( bitmap, img.getNextHighestDepth( ), "never", true );
scope[_func]( img );
private function onLoadError(errorCode : String, httpStatus : Number) : Void
error( errorCode, httpStatus );
* loadBitmap( http://www.test.nl/img.jpg, movieclip, "dothis");
public function loadBitmap(url : String, mc : MovieClip, func : Object) : Void
_url = url;
_mc = mc;
_func = func;
var raw : MovieClip = _mc.createEmptyMovieClip( "imageloader_raw_mc", _mc.getNextHighestDepth( ) );
mLoader.loadClip( _url, raw );
private function error(errorCode : String, httpStatus : Number) : Void
var raw : MovieClip = _mc.createEmptyMovieClip( "imageloader_raw_mc", _mc.getNextHighestDepth( ) );
mLoader.loadClip( "img/notfound.jpg", raw );
You can use this class like this:
var loader : BitmapLoader = new BitmapLoader( true );
loader.addListener( this );
loader.loadBitmap( "http://test.nl/example.jpg", this, "doneLoading" );
'true' is the smoothing-boolean, addListener( this ) is to prevent scope-problems (AS2-bleeh) and "doneLoading" is the function name it calls when it's done loading.
Hope this works for ya.
Good luck!