I'm new in programming Pig and currently I'm trying to implement my Hadoop jobs with pig. So far my Pig programs work. I've got some output files stored as *.txt with semicolon as delimiter. My problem is that Pig adds parentheses around the tuple's...
Is it possible to store the output in a file without these parentheses? Only storing the values? Maybe by overwriting the PigStorage method with an UDF? Does anyone have a hint for me?
I want to read my output files into a RDBMS (Oracle) without the parentheses.
You probably need to write your own custom Storer. See: http://wiki.apache.org/pig/Pig070LoadStoreHowTo.
Shouldn't be too difficult to just write it as a plain CSV or whatever. There's also a pre-existing DBStorage class that you might be able to use to write directly to Oracle if you want.