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Webgrid and formatting DateTime value when grid columns are built in model

I am creating a collection of WebGridColumns, adding them to my model and passing that to my razor page. I am doing this because there are a variable number of columns that are determined on the fly. This works well, but now I need to format datetime values to short date and am not sure how this can be accomplished when creating the collection of webgridcolumns.

 foreach (var datetimeitem in cols)
                columns.Add(new WebGridColumn
                    ColumnName = datetimeitem,
                    Header = "MyHeader",
                    Format = **format item here**;


Any ideas?



  • Does your setup look something like this?

        var cols = new[] { "FirstDate", "SecondDate" };
        var columns = new List<WebGridColumn>();
        var grid = new WebGrid(new[]
            new Entity { FirstDate = DateTime.Now, SecondDate = DateTime.Now },
            new Entity { FirstDate = DateTime.MinValue, SecondDate = DateTime.MinValue }

    If so, you can try

    @foreach (var datetimeitem in cols)
        columns.Add(new WebGridColumn
            ColumnName = datetimeitem,
            Header = "MyHeader",
            // If item is already a date time
            Format = m => m[datetimeitem].ToShortDateString()
            // If you need to parse item as date time first
            // Format = m => DateTime.Parse(m[datetimeitem]).ToShortDateString()
    @grid.GetHtml(columns: columns)