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GUI figure not opening on dual monitor but other figures are ok

I am using matlab R2012a ( 64-bit on a windows 7 PC. I have 2 monitors. I want to be able to open a matlab GUI figure up on the 2nd monitor (on the left).

at the command line opening figures there works fine.

h = figure( ... , 'position',[some -value on the other screen y w h)

but the GUI figure is always made on the 1st monitor despite 1) the correct position values entered into the GUI window properties and/or 2) using the code

set( hObject, 'position',[some -value on the other screen y w h)

in the GUI opening function.

However, if I place this code in the output function it's ok. inelegant as you see the figure appear and then move over. the values in the GUI are set the way i want them to be too. just ignored by matlab it seems. Any ideas?

  • update *

I have since read that matlab calls movegui(fig, 'onscreen') when opening a guide-created figure. arg. I suppose now the issue is how to override that, or how to set 'onscreen' to be the other monitor. Still no solution on this end


  • This cannot be done directly from within GUIDE.


    Export your figure: GuideMenu -> File -> Export

    Replace the line:



    set(gcbf, 'position',[some -value on the other screen y w h)

    For me (R2012a), this shows up around line 330 of the exported GUI:

      % openfig (called by local_openfig below) does this for guis without
      % the LayoutFcn. Be sure to do it here so guis show up on screen.
      movegui(gui_hFigure,'onscreen');   %% COMMENT OUT OR REPLACE THIS LINE
      gui_hFigure = local_openfig(gui_State.gui_Name, 