I am attempting if use a variable to call a specific macro name.
I have a macros file that is being imported
{% import 'form-elements.html.twig' as forms %}
Now in that file there are all the form element macros: text, textarea, select, radio etc.
I have an array variable that gets passed in that has an elements in it:
$elements = array(
'value'=>'some value',
'value'=>'some other value',
{{ elements }}
what im trying to do is generate those elements from the macros. they work just fine when called by name:
{{ forms.text(element.0.name,element.0.value,element.0.atts) }}
However what i want to do is something like this:
{% for element in elements %}
{{ forms[element.type](element.name,element.value,element.atts) }}
{% endfor %}
I have tried the following all resulting in the same error:
{{ forms["'"..element.type.."'"](element.name,element.value,element.atts) }}
{{ forms.(element.type)(element.name,element.value,element.atts) }}
{{ forms.{element.type}(element.name,element.value,element.atts) }}
This unfortunately throws the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'LogicException' with message 'Attribute "value" does not exist for Node "Twig_Node_Expression_GetAttr".' in Twig\Environment.php on line 541
Any help or advice on a solution or a better schema to use would be very helpful.
I just thought other people may want the answer to this, as provide by fabpot:
This is indeed something that is not supported: calling a macro with a dynamic name (I have added a proper exception to be clearer about the issue).
If you really want to do that, you can do so with the following code:
{{ attribute(forms, element.type, [element.name,element.value,element.atts]) }}