I need to make a sorted list of filtered entries for MODx page. I have a several entries in db with 'table1' and columns 'id', 'name', 'someparam1' etc. I can print the whole list on the page with
$companies = $modx->getCollection('Company');
foreach($companies as $company) {
$fields = $company->toArray();
$output .= $modx->getChunk('showEntryTpl', $fields);
return $output;
but i still can't print the same list using recommendation#1 or recommendation#2: Example from MODx docs:
$c = $xpdo->newQuery('Box');
$c->innerJoin('BoxOwner','Owner'); // arguments are: className, alias
'width' => 5,
'Owner.user' => 2,
$boxes = $xpdo->getCollection('Box',$c);
Using it this way
$sortingcriteria = 'id';
$s = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
$out = $modx->getCollection('Company',$s);
return $out;
doesn't work. How can I sort the list by chosen column and then filter it?
Thank you Vasis and Sean Kimball for suggestions! This code pulls several records from db sorted in ASC/DESC order and filtered by some value:
$sortingcriteria = 'id';
$filter1 = 'free';
$s = $modx->newQuery('Company');
'pay_type' => $filter1,
$out = $modx->getCollection('Company',$s);
$output = '';
foreach ($out as $item) {
$fields = $item->toArray();
$output .= $modx->getChunk('showAllCompaniesTpl', $fields);
return $output;