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htaccess or php 301 redirect url

I do not know a lot htaccess and redirect url (301) with php as;

header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
header( "Location:" );

Is there any difference or advantage between the two for google?Can I must use htaccess for redirect url?


  • You have to use both these headers to redirect something permanently. Both headers are needed. I echo this same header for my old blog url. And I get all the referrals, visitors, inlinks from google to the new domain.

    It does not matter how you echo the headers. It matters those headers exist.

    I know PHP well so I have used a PHP file that echos only these headers

    HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

    If you use 302 redirect Google will remember your current url and associate all your links to that old url.