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Symfony\Component\Locale\Stub\StubIntlDateFormatter::__construct() method's argument $locale value 'en_IN' behavior is not implemented

I am getting this exception, its one of the known issues and as suggested I have installed php5-intl via apt-get and restarted my Nginx server.

Nothing seems to work out.

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template
("The Symfony\Component\Locale\Stub\StubIntlDateFormatter::__construct() method's argument $locale value 'en_IN' behavior is not implemented. Only the 'en' locale is supported.

Please install the 'intl' extension for full localization capabilities.")
in SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig at line 4.


  • Guys revisiting this issue, Team faced the same issue, we tried installing php5-intl extension and restart nginx & php5-fpm.

    It didn't work. But we did a system restart the issue was gone. So one more weird answer. But worked for me.