I am due to put a Magento site live and the client has sprung a last minute request. They are a UK based manufacturer and they don't want to compete with their worldwid supply chain, so they want;
I'm trying to work out the best way to approach this. I am aware of three options;
I've worked on a store before where the developer has set a huge list of IPs in the .htaccess (mainly blocking China and Russia as a security thing). I could do something similar, redirecting users with USA IPs and then maybe setting an environmental variable like so;
How to set a custom global from .htaccess
Which could be accessed in the templates to not display the add to cart and price markup.
Pros: Relatively Easy
Cons: Horrible. The list of IPs would be hardcoded, and the conditional code to display/not display the prices etc would be template based rather than done via a module. Plus the 'You are being transferred to our USA store' request couldn't be handled this way.
Another option could be to customise/configure the following commercial module to handle the request;
I'm thinking this would involve setting up new websites rather than new stores (as the current installation already has 1 Website and 2 Stores each with one Store View.). The new websites would have their own theme with no cart/price info displayed.
Pros: IPs not hardcoded, uses the MaxMind GeoIP database. Module based.
Cons: Again the code whether to display the Prices is template based. Also this would add a lot of administration overhead for the user - extra websites, extra store views to complicate things. And not using 99% of the features of this module.
I know this is the ideal solution but I am much happier in app/design than I am in app/code. I know how to build a module and have built very small modules before but.... Based on Alan Storm's blog post here;
I am imagining I would use the controller_front_init_before
event and create an observer which extends a class or classes relating to the isSaleable() method which is used in the product view templates anyway. Possibly??
Pros: This is the right way to do it. No admin overhead. Easy to disable/enable.
Any suggestions, pointers or links on this would be a big help. Thanks.
Here is a kick-off for what you called an "ideal solution".
Get my free GeoIP extension from MagnetoConnect or GitHub. Then in any template use:
$geoIP = Mage::getSingleton('geoip/country');
<?php if($geoIP->isCountryAllowed()) ?>
the block of code you want to display only for selected countries
<?php endif ?>
More info in my article here.
If you have any question please feel free to ask.