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Android EditTextPreference on dialog click

I have an EditTextPrefernce in my prefernces fragment. I have set it in XML to be androd:numeric="integer". Ok that's working...but the problem is that the user must insert a value in this preference, he can't delete everything and click ok, because i will get null value then. I have set in the XML default value to be 10000, and in the preference.getLong method to also return a default 1000 value.

So i think i have to somehow check the edit text when the user presses ok in the dialog. Is this possible? or does anyone have a better solution?


  • Following is the snippet of the code by which you can achieve what you are looking for,

    editPreference.setOnPreferenceChangeListener(new OnPreferenceChangeListener()
                        public boolean onPreferenceChange(Preference preference, Object newValue)
                                //Put validation of newValue entered by user
                                //Following is example you can change as you wish
                                if(newValue != null)
                                    long myVal = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(newValue));
                                    if(myVal> 0)
                                        //All ok
                                       //Invalid Number
                            catch (final Exception e)
                                return false;
                            return false;