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Resharper and TortoiseSVN

Is there any good way to deal with the class renaming refactor from Resharper when the file is under source control and TortoiseSVN is the client. I have am trying VisualSVN right now but I haven't had the need to rename anything recently. I don't want to change our repository just to try this out.

Also not sure if this feature alone is worth the cost of VisualSVN.

Update: I have uninstalled the trial of VisualSVN and tried AhknSVN. I seems to provided the same functionality so far.

I know this my sound trivial but the indicators seem to be lacking some functionality, it seems like they don't trickle up. (If a file in the project is different I would think the project indicator would indicate this as well.) I tend to keep my projects rolled as much as possible, so it is hard to tell what files have changed unless the project is expanded.


  • TortoiseSVN 1.5 has a neat hidden feature on the check in window:

    Select a missing file and a new file and right-click. One of the options will be "fix move".

    I tend to refactor away, and then use this to fix any files where the name has changed.