i have just downloaded the latest win32 jpegtran.exe from http://jpegclub.org/jpegtran/ and observed the following:
i have prepared a 24 BPP jpeg test image with 14500 x 10000 pixels.
monitoring the jpegtran.exe command line tool's memory consumption during lossless rotation (180) i can see the process consuming up to 900 MB memory!
i would have assumed that such jpeg lossless transformations don't require decoding the image file into memory and instead would just perform some mathematical transformations on the encoded file itself - keeping the memory footprint very low.
so which of the following is true?
according to the answer by JasonD the reason seems to be the latter one. so i'll extend my question:
are there any implementations that can do those operations in small chunks (to avoid high memory usage)? or does it always need to be done on the whole and there's no way around it?
i'm not planning to implement my own codec / algorithm. instead i'm asking if there are any implementations out there that meet my requirements. or if there could be in theory, at least.
I don't know about the library in question, but in order to perform a lossless rotation on a jpeg image, you would at least have to decompress the DCT coefficients in order to rotate them, and then re-compress.
The DCT coefficients, fully expanded, will be the same size or larger than the original image data, as they have more bits of information.
It's lossless, because the loss in a jpeg is caused by quantization of the DCT coefficients. So long as you don't decode/re-encode/re-quantize these, no loss will be incurred.
But it will be memory intensive.
jpeg compression works very roughly as follows:
So a 'non-lossy' transformation would want to avoid doing as much as possible of that - especially anything beyond the DCT quantization, but that does not avoid expanding the data.