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parsing an unknown tag xml file

I was trying to parse an xml file. My problem is same as this:

parsing an xml file for unknown elements using python ElementTree

And I tried the solution of untubu.

It works great. But only for the lines which have single tags

For example:


This works great But if it is like:

src = '''\
<review type="review"><link></link>

it fails.. I have many instances like this. I don't want to go beyond native libraries usage because after this I will run the code on different computer (prod env) and I will have to set the libraries there.. and it gets messy..

Is there a way , i can modify the original solution to solve this out. Thanks.

The code from above link:

import xml.sax as sax
import xml.sax.handler as saxhandler
import pprint

class TagParser(saxhandler.ContentHandler):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tags = {}
    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        self.tag = name
    def endElement(self, name):
        if self.tag:
            self.tags[self.tag] =
            self.tag = None
   = None
    def characters(self, content): = content

parser = TagParser()
src = '''\
sax.parseString(src, parser)

Exception trace:

File "", line 59, in unittest
  sax.parseString(src, parser)
File "C:\Python27\lib\xml\sax\", line 49, in parseString
File "C:\Python27\lib\xml\sax\", line 107, in parse
  xmlreader.IncrementalParser.parse(self, source)
File "C:\Python27\lib\xml\sax\", line 125, in parse
File "C:\Python27\lib\xml\sax\", line 217, in close
  self.feed("", isFinal = 1)
File "C:\Python27\lib\xml\sax\", line 211, in feed
File "C:\Python27\lib\xml\sax\", line 38, in fatalError
  raise exception
xml.sax._exceptions.SAXParseException: <unknown>:2:4: no element found


  • The TagParser uses endElement to add data to self.tags.

    With src equal to

    src = '''\
    <review type="review"><link></link></review>

    The <review> has no closing tag, </review>, so endElement never gets called.

    If you add a closing </review> tag to src:

    src = '''\
    <review type="review"><link></link></review>

    then the program yields

    {u'link': u''}