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Can't gem install Celluloid using Rubinius 2.0.0

I have rvm set to

# .rvmrc
rvm use rbx-2.0.0-rc1 

and it sets the version correctly

$ ruby -v
rubinius 2.0.0rc1 (1.8.7 release 2012-11-02 JI) [x86_64-apple-darwin12.2.1]

when I try to

$ gem install celluloid -v '0.12.3'

I get the error

ERROR:  Error installing celluloid:
celluloid requires Ruby version >= 1.9.2.

Whats the problem? I know Celluloid supports Rubinius because it is the recommended interpreter.

Update: I figured it out thanks to this link

I needed to pass the -X19 flag

ruby -X19 -S bundle


  • I figured it out thanks to this link

    I needed to pass the -X19 flag

    ruby -X19 -S bundle