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modifying a Plist from command line on Mac using Defaults

Does any one know how to modify a Plist file from command line using defaults? Currently there are two Dictionaries under the URL types array; I need to add another.

enter image description here

Every command i've tried have either replaced the entire dictionary, or created a new array called URL types instead of editing it. Any ideas of how this can be done in defaults (the console Mac app) and not PlistBuddy?


  • Open the Info.plist in a text editor to see the actual identifiers.

    defaults write Absolute/Path/to/Info.plist CFBundleURLTypes -array-add '<dict>
    <string>Mac App Store URL</string>

    pbpaste | pl converts the XML to the old-style format.

    defaults write Info.plist CFBundleURLTypes -array-add '{CFBundleTypeRole=Viewer; FBundleURLName="Mac App Store URL";CFBundleURLSchemes=(macappstore);}'