I want to make a junction: junction.exe c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 d:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
Every time I try, I get the same three junction usage tips. I am using Windows 8, and running cmd under administrator privileges, and have removed the read only
checkbox from the program files (x86)
folder. When I type junction.exe c:\link c:\link2
it works like a charm. What am I doing wrong?
Just a quick oversight. Nothing major.
When using Spaces like " " in Commands, you must put them in quotation marks otherwise the system reads it as a new line (or some such).
Here is the command you need;
junction.exe "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0" "d:\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0"
As you can see each file path is encapsulated with Quotations making it read as 1 line.
You should be good to go now dude!