I'm just getting started using Ubuntu to develop Android project with Cocos2d-x recently. I cloned the lastest Cocos2d-x code from GitHub, and installed the Android NDK r8.
Then I compiled hello-jni
with no problem.
So I used create-android-project.sh
inside by creating a test project, then success.
But when I used ./build_native.sh
compiled the project when an error.
The error is as follows:
Compile++ thumb : cocosdenshion_static <= SimpleAudioEngineJni.cpp
Compile++ thumb : cocosdenshion_static <= OpenSLEngine.cpp
/home/zhonglong/cocos2d-2.1beta3-x-2.1.0/mycocos2d/proj.android/../../CocosDenshion/android/opensl/OpenSLEngine.cpp:292:23: error:
expected expression
(player->audioSrc) = {&loc_fd, &format_mime};
Is that someone can help me?
Try Changing this line
Line 292: (player-> audioSrc) = {& loc_fd, & format_mime};
To this and see if it works
Player-> audioSrc.pLocator = & loc_fd; : line 292
Player-> audioSrc.pFormat = & format_mime; : line 293