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Convert TLB file to assembly with custom assembly information

I am using tlbimp.exe to generate an assembly from a TLB file. I know that I can use the "asmversion" command line switch to set a custom version number, but how do I set the other information? I would like to set the fields like "Product Name" and "Company", but I don't see a way to do this. Can it be done with tlbimp, or any other tools?


  • You can use tlbimp.exe to insert this information, at least in the latest (beta) version of Visual Studio 2010. (I can't quite tell if these are new options.)

    C:\Temp>tlbimp /?
    Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Type Library to Assembly Converter 4.0.20624.1
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Syntax: TlbImp TypeLibName [Options]
        /product:Product         The name of the product with which this assembly
                                 is distributed
        /productversion:Version  The version of the product with which this
                                 assembly is distributed
        /company:Company         The name of the company that produced this
        /copyright:Copyright     Describes all copyright notices, trademarks, and
                                 registered trademarks that apply to this assembly
        /trademark:Trademark     Describes all trademarks and registered trademarks
                                 that apply to this assembly