I want to echo number of rows(suppose numer of rows= 3).if the user clicks on the number(I am passing 1 parrameter from while loop),then data is alerted But the problem is that
I also used count(col),but this way only one result is retrieved.
Any solution to show the number of rows one time but passing all the results of $uid(which is in while loop) to onclick function?.Plz help.
$sql=mysqli_query($this->db->connection,"SELECT * from user_data where scid='$scid'");
<span onclick=o4_sameby_scid(<?php echo $uid; ?>)><?php echo $num ?></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
function o4_sameby_scid(o4_id) {
I think your problem is that you are nesting the wrong parts of your code inside of your while
loop. What about this approach?:
$sql=mysqli_query($this->db->connection,"SELECT * from user_data where scid='$scid'");
$allvalues = array();
// Do all looping before any echoing
// add this row's value to an array of all values
$allvalues[] = $uid=$row['uid'];
// implode this array
$valuesascsv = implode(', ', $allvalues);
// This is echo'd outside of the loop, because we only need to see it one time
echo '<span onclick=o4_sameby_scid("'. $valuesascsv .'")>'. $num .' results found! </span>';
<script type="text/javascript">
function o4_sameby_scid(o4_id) {
This should output:
<span onclick=o4_sameby_scid("uid#1, uid#2, uid#3")>3 results found!</span>
<script type="text/javascript">
function o4_sameby_scid(o4_id) {
Clicking on any of the row count should alert all of the UIDs.
Is this the behavior you were looking for?