We are building a website and for that we need to include an image map from a country and when you highlight a provence it needs to show some content below the map.
For this we are using jquery mapster (I'm not really a jquery programmer, so maybe you could help).
All works with the code below, but only when the content is on 1 line.
For example groningen: "<h1>Groningen</h1><p>test</test>",
<-- This works
For example
groningen: "<h1>Groningen</h1>
This does not work.
Below you will find my jquery code
<script type="text/javascript">
var $s = jQuery.noConflict();
$s(document).ready(function () {
var image = $s('img');
var data = {
groningen: "<h1>Groningen</h1>
friesland: "<?php echo $extrafields[10];?>",
var defaultDipTooltip = 'I know you want the dip. But it\'s loaded with saturated fat, just skip it and enjoy as many delicious, crisp vegetables as you can eat.';
fillOpacity: 1,
fillColor: "ff2d52",
strokeColor: "ff2d52",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWidth: 1,
stroke: true,
isSelectable: true,
singleSelect: true,
mapKey: 'name',
listKey: 'name',
onClick: function (e) {
var newToolTip = defaultDipTooltip;
if (e.key==='asparagus') {
newToolTip = "OK. I know I have come down on the dip before, but let's be real. Raw asparagus without any of that " +
"delicious ranch and onion dressing slathered all over it is not so good.";
image.mapster('set_options',{areas: [{
key: "dip",
toolTip: newToolTip
showToolTip: true,
toolTipClose: ["tooltip-click", "area-click"],
areas: [
key: "groningen",
fillColor: "ff2d52",
toolTip: defaultDipTooltip
key: "friesland",
fillColor: "ff2d52"
var data = {
groningen: "<h1>Groningen</h1><p>test</test>",
friesland: "<p>Scholen in de regio Groningen</p>
\n<li>AOC Terra, Groene school<br />Adres<br />Winsum<br />Telefoonnummer<br />Naam directeur</li>
\n<li>De Bolster<br />Adres<br />Groningen<br />Telefoonnummer<br />Naam directeur</li>
\n<li>De Catamaran, School voor Praktijkonderwijs<br />Adres<br />Stadskanaal<br />telefoonnummer<br />Naam directeur</li>
\n<li>Dollard College locatie De Flint</li>
Javascript and by extension jQuery strings cannot go over a line boundry, you need to either add 2 strings together with a +
or replace newlines with \n
Do some manipulation of your php array so each newline is replaced with \n
$UpdatedString = str_replace("\n", '\\n', $FieldValue);