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DB for chatbot in Python

I'm writing a chatbot which tries to simulate some sort of a conversation. Being a n00b in Python, I currently rely on lists and dictionaries for some standard responses to a standard set of queries. As I learn more, I realise that lists/dictionaries/functions aren't going to be enough and that I'd have to use some sort of database. At the moment, I just keep adding items to my list/dictionaries as I encounter new questions from the user.

What database should I use to store/query data from the user? I went thru this and its subsequent links, in the answers, but I find no mention of which DB was used. (This little project of mine is aimed at teaching myself the concepts of machine learning and NLP)


  • Might want to look into redis. It's extremely fast (which is important for a chatbot) and very easy to use. It's just a key-value store, though, so if you're looking for layered logic like that example had with XML, this isn't your answer necessarily--but then again, you probably wouldn't want to store the logic in the database anyway.

    Basically, look at Redis, but without more detail about exactly what you're doing, it's a little hard to help.