I'm developing an application that needs to perform some processing on the user's Outlook contacts. I'm currently accessing the list of Outlook contacts by iterating over the result of MAPIFolder.Items.Restrict(somefilter)
, which can be found in Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
In my application, my user needs to choose several contacts to apply a certain operation on. I would like to add a feature that will allow the user to drag a contact from Outlook and drop it on a certain ListBox in the UI (I work in WPF but this is probably is more generic issue).
I'm very new to C# and WPF - how can I:
I tried this with a TextBox (no difference with a ListBox in practice).
Summary :
Searching in all outlook contacts for the one recieved dragged as text. The search here is based on the person's FullName.
When you drag a contact, it must show the FullName when selected in outlook. The only catch is when two persons have the same full names!! If it's the case you can try to find a unique identifier for a person by combining ContactItem properties and searching them in the dragged text.
private void textBox1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetData("Text") != null)
ApplicationClass app;
MAPIFolder mapif;
string contactStr;
contactStr = e.Data.GetData("Text").ToString();
app = new ApplicationClass();
mapif = app.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderContacts);
foreach (ContactItem tci in mapif.Items)
if (contactStr.Contains(tci.FullName))
draggedContact = tci; //draggedContact is a global variable for example or a property...
mapif = null;
app = null;
of course this code is to be organized-optimized, it's only to explain the method used.
You can try using the Explorer.Selection property combined with GetData("Text") [to ensure it's coming from Outlook, or you can use GetData("Object Descriptor") in the DragOver Event, decode the memory stream, search for "outlook", if not found cancel the drag operation] And why not drag multiple contacts!
private void textBox1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (e.Data.GetData("Text") != null)
ApplicationClass app;
Explorer exp;
List<ContactItem> draggedContacts;
string contactStr;
contactStr = e.Data.GetData("Text").ToString();
draggedContacts = new List<ContactItem>();
app = new ApplicationClass();
exp = app.ActiveExplorer();
if (exp.CurrentFolder.DefaultItemType == OlItemType.olContactItem)
if (exp.Selection != null)
foreach (ContactItem ci in exp.Selection)
if (contactStr.Contains(ci.FullName))
app = null;