I am trying to implement an insert method for a BTree. My BTree class holds a pointer to a root BNode. The insert method has both an internal and external method. The internal one doesnt yet recurse, but I am having trouble having the root passed in hold its value for the second insertion. I think it might be a scoping issue, but I'm not sure exactly what it is. In main I tried to insert 2 values to test the method, but it seems that in the second insertion it still thinks that root == null and overwrites the first key value. Does anyone who why this might occur?
Here are my functions:
template<typename T, int M>
class BTree{
returnStatus _insert( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val, BNode<T, M>*& dptr, T& dkv );
returnStatus shuffle_insert( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val );
returnStatus split_insert( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val, BNode<T, M>*& dptr, T& dkv );
bool isNodeLeaf( BNode<T, M>* node );
int _getNodeIndex( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val );
returnStatus _find( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val );
returnStatus _remove( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val, BNode<T, M>* & dptr, T& dkv );
void _traverse( BNode<T, M>* r );
BNode<T, M>* root;
int size;
void insert( const T& val );
returnStatus find( const T& val );
void remove( const T& val );
void traverse();
template<typename T, int M>
BTree<T, M>::BTree()
root = NULL;
size = 0;
template<typename T, int M>
returnStatus BTree<T, M>::_insert( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val, BNode<T, M>*& dptr, T& dkv )
if( r == NULL ){
dptr = NULL;
dkv = val;
r = new BNode<T, M>;
r->keys[0] = val;
return unsuccessful;
returnStatus contains = find(val);
if( contains == duplicate ){
return duplicate;
if( r->keyCount < M-1 ){
returnStatus hold = shuffle_insert(r, val);
return hold;
cout<<"need to split"<<endl;
template<typename T, int M>
returnStatus BTree<T, M>::shuffle_insert( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val )
if(r->keyCount == M-1 ) return unsuccessful;
int index = _getNodeIndex(r, val);
for(int i = r->keyCount; i>index; i--){
r->keys[i+1] = r->keys[i];
r->keys[index] = val;
template<typename T, int M>
returnStatus BTree<T, M>::split_insert( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val, BNode<T, M>*& dptr, T& dkv )
template<typename T, int M>
bool BTree<T, M>::isNodeLeaf( BNode<T, M>* node )
for( int i = 0; i< M-1; i++ ){
if( node->ptr[i] != NULL ){
return false;
return true;
template<typename T, int M>
returnStatus BTree<T, M>::_find( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val )
for( int i = 0; i<M; i++ ){
if( r->ptr[i] != NULL ){
_find( r->ptr[i], val);
for( int i =0; i<r->keyCount; i++ ){
if( r->keys[i] == val ) return duplicate;
return unsuccessful;
template<typename T, int M>
int BTree<T, M>::_getNodeIndex( BNode<T, M>* r, const T& val )
for( int i = 0; i < r->keyCount; i++){
if( val < r->keys[i] ){
return i;
return -1;
template<typename T, int M>
void BTree<T, M>::insert( const T& val )
int set = 0;
BNode<T, M>* myNode = new BNode<T, M>(); //May not be correct way to instantiate Reference to pointer
returnStatus status = _insert( root, val, myNode, set);
if( status == successful ){
}else if( status == unsuccessful ){
}else if( status == duplicate ){
cout<<val<<" has already been inserted."<<endl;
template<typename T, int M>
returnStatus BTree<T, M>::find( const T& val )
returnStatus stat = _find(root, val);
return stat;
template<typename T, int M>
void BTree<T, M>::remove( const T& val )
template<typename T, int M>
void BTree<T, M>::traverse()
template<typename T, int M>
BTree<T, M>::~BTree()
I think the following method to insert into a B-Tree will help you to clarify your doubts related to the insertion into the B-Tree.
public void insert (Comparable object)
if(isEmpty ())
attachSubtree (0, new BTree(getM ()));
attachSubtree (1, new BTree(getM ()));
parent.insertPair(object, new BTree (getM ()));
int index = findIndex (object);
if(index !=0 && object.isEQ (key [index])) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("duplicate key");
subtree [index].insert(object);
This is extracted from the book "Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java".