This is really basic but I am blanking right now.
I have a daemon process and would like to have multiple clients be able to talk to it. I would like a client to be able to start up and then using a shared library, essentially 'register' with the daemon process. The daemon process would spawn a thread off for this new client and provide a communication pipe between the client and new thread.
I am thinking a unix datagram socket as a 'registration channel' for all clients to use initially and then switching over to a client-specific channel but then cannot figure out how I create unique names for the new datagram sockets without setting them up a priori.
Basically I think you need to compromise and have a 2 stage process with a SOCK_STREAM socket as stage 1 and SOCK_DGRAM as stage 2. So it will be like this:
start communicating with server on socket "my.daemon.XXX"