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Magento - AJAX Call Product Page Elements to Category Page. Select Box Not Populated

I'm trying to create an ajax 'quick view' or 'quick cart' type feature on my Magento store. The kind of one where you hover over a product and have the option to 'quick view' it in a lightbox instead of going to the product page.

I'm using a very simple jQuery Ajax call like this:

$j('#ajaxquickviewcontent').load("http://websiteaddress/category/productname.html .product-view").ajaxComplete(function(){alert ('Done');});

With this method I get all of the content I'm after (i.e. product image, description, the configurable attribute options (size) dropdown, qty selector and add to cart buttons) - but the attribute option (size) dropdown isn't populated with any content. I just get the dropdown but with no options in it and obviously can't add any products to the cart.

If I change the call to load the whole product page, eg

$j('#ajaxquickviewcontent').load("http://websiteaddress/category/productname.html").ajaxComplete(function(){alert ('Done');});

Then the drop down does have the sizes. I'm assuming there is possibly some javascript on the page somewhere that I'm supposed to load as well but I can't find it.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for what script I would be missing that would be outside of the product-essential div?


  • Take a look @

    Magento Quick View Ajax Loader